
Lord Of The Flies Simon Drawing

Lord of the Flies- Character sketch for Simon

            The character of Simon plays an important role in the story Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Simon represents a kind of natural goodness, he is caring, supportive, smart and always tries find the truth behind things. He was the first and only boy to discover that the beast wasn't real. He is a hard worker and works for the goodness of the tribe. He is quite a shy boy and although he has many smart ideas in his head it is hard for him to pass them along to the rest of the boys because he hates speaking at the assemblies. "He sighed. Other people could stand up and speak to an assembly, apparently, without that dreadful feeling of pressure" (page 112). Simon "was a skinny, vivid boy," with "straight hair that hung down, black and coarse." (Page 20) "His chin pointed, and his eyes so bright," and "He wore the remains of shorts and his feet were bare like Jack's. Always darkish in colour, Simon was burned by the sun to a deep tan that glistened with sweat." (page 112). Although Simon was quite a small boy, he is a strong and the wisest of all the boys. .
             Simon's intuitive wisdom separates him from the rest of the boys. Simon has an "inward sight" that the beast was only a man "once heroic and sick." (page 112) His intelligence leads him to recognize the boys' fear of themselves and that there is no beast, it is only them. Shown on page 96 is Simon's attempt to explain to the boys that the beast is not real and that maybe its only in themselves. "What I mean is maybe it's only us." The boys ignore his words of wisdom and laugh at what they cannot understand. The describe him as being "nuts."(page 96) Most of the boys seem to get along with Simon, although they do find him "batty". "Simon. He helps"" he pointed to the shelters"(page 55) Ralph appreciates how Simon helps him, for he is the only one who does. .
             Simon always comes to the boys' aid whenever someone needs his help. For example, when Piggy looses his glasses, "he went crouching and feeling over the rocks but Simon, who got there first, found them for him.

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Character Analysis Of Simon In Lord Of The Flies Amidst the ruinous disorder throughout the novel Lord of the Flies, the lack of civilization and human goodness leads the young children to evils and rough conditions they have never faced. ... He distinguishes the true beast, but most importantly, he makes the connection between the dead parachutist and the Lord of the Flies. ... The moral confrontation, which occurs when Simon has the interview with the Lord of the Flies, symbolizes man's inability to conquer the evil anarchy of the devil. ... Golding's representation of Christ th...

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First published September 17, 1954, the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding has been read almost everywhere. ... The novel Lord of the Flies is a religious allegory because Jack represents the devil; Simon conveys the figure of Christ, and Ralph mirrors everyman. ... The same thing happened here in Lord of the Flies. ... Finally, in the allegorical view of Lord of the Flies, Ralph represents mankind. ... In the religious allegory of Lord of the Flies, Jack characterizes the devil; Ralph represents everyman, and Simon's actions mirror those of Christ in the stories of the Bible. ...

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As in all stories there is a character which makes a revelation no matter how big or small which is beneficial to him/her or the group they are a part of. In the case of Lord of the Flies, Simon is the character, which is, bestowed the revelations of benefice and after his encounters with the physical and mental forms of the beast he realizes this. ... The entire end of the story is a bit of a catch twenty-two in that had Simon not entered the clearing he would have not hallucinated a monologue by the lord of the flies. Therefore, he would not have discovered that the lord of the flies was tru...

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  • Has Bibliography
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6. Lord Of The Flies

Simon is alienated from the rest of the group. ... The answer is that, unlike all the other boys, Simon is not on the line at all; he stands on a different plane from every other character in the novel.Simon seems to represent a kind of innate, spiritual human goodness that is deeply connected with nature and, in its own way, as primal as Jack's evilness and desire to kill. ... Most importantly, Simon makes the connection between the dead parachutist and the Lord of the Flies. He understands that with the death of the man in the parachute which symbolizes the death of reason, the chaos of...

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Lord of the Flies A Brief Theological Interpretatio William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies can be interpreted theologically by regarding characters and events as religious symbols or ideas. ... Lord of the Flies is an allegory showing the fight between Christian and Pagan values. ... Satan, the root of all evil, is portrayed by the Lord of the Flies. The title of the book itself, Lord of the Flies, is a translation of the Greek word "Beelzebub." ... The Lord of the Flies is also explaining the evil that lives inside of us. ...

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Lord of the Flies Essay Did Brooks" film accurately convey the original meaning of Golding's novel? William Golding, a remarkably talented writer, created this intriguing timeless classic, Lord of the Flies. ... Simon has a "conversation" with The Lord of the Flies (the pig's head) that is key to the story; the truth about the boys emerges. ... (p.142) However in the film, the theme of a manifestation of evil isn't clear, and the Lord of the Flies scene was left out. For me the most interesting and thought provoking character in the novel is Simon. ...

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Although Lord of the Flies is a novel which explores some of the darker aspects of human nature, I think there are many positive aspects of human nature presented here too: Look closely at the characters and roles of Ralph and Piggy, for example. ... The Lord of the Flies" was published in 1954 - shortly after the end of the Second World War. ... In the novel, the pig"s head is the Lord of the Flies, because it is the most powerful influence upon the flies which are its subjects, just as the beast which is the evil within the boys is the thing which commands their actions. ... Ralph does ...

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  • Approx Pages: 2
  • Grade Level: High School

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Lord Of The Flies Simon Drawing


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