
How To Create A Record


KishoreFollow I am a Salesforce developer and a so-called blogger at I love learning and sharing.

How to Create a Record in Salesforce using Lightning Web Components and Apex


We are going to see how to create a record in Salesforce with Lightning Web Components aka LWC and Apex. In LWC documentation, there were two examples shown for creating a record in LWC.

  • Using UiRecordApi
  • LDS

These two are the recommended ways. These two methods work fine with one record.

But what if there is a requirement where you need to insert more than one record on button press. In this kind of situations this method may come handy

How to Create a Record in Lightning Web Components using Apex


                          <template>              <lightning-card              title=              "Record with Field Integrity"              icon-name=              "standard:account"              >              <div              class=              "slds-p-around_x-small"              >              <lightning-input              label=              "Name"              value=              {rec.Name}              onchange=              {handleNameChange}              ></lightning-input>              <lightning-input              label=              "Industry"              value=              {rec.Industry}              onchange=              {handleIndChange}              ></lightning-input>              <lightning-input              type=              "Phone"              label=              "Phone"              value=              {rec.Phone}              onchange=              {handlePhnChange}              ></lightning-input><br/>              <lightning-button              label=              "Save"              onclick=              {handleClick}              ></lightning-button>              </div>              </lightning-card>              </template>                      

This createRecordDiff.html is a basic form with inputs with change handlers and a button with onclick handler.


                          /* eslint-disable no-console */              import              {              LightningElement              ,              track              }              from              '              lwc              '              ;              import              ACCOUNT_OBJECT              from              '              @salesforce/schema/Account              '              ;              import              NAME_FIELD              from              '              @salesforce/schema/Account.Name              '              ;              import              INDUSTRY_FIELD              from              '              @salesforce/schema/Account.Industry              '              ;              import              PHONE_FIELD              from              '              @salesforce/schema/Account.Phone              '              ;              import              createAccount              from              '              @salesforce/apex/createAcc.createAccount              '              ;              import              {              ShowToastEvent              }              from              '              lightning/platformShowToastEvent              '              ;              export              default              class              CreateRecordWithFieldIntigrity              extends              LightningElement              {              @              track              name              =              NAME_FIELD              ;              @              track              industry              =              INDUSTRY_FIELD              ;              @              track              phone              =              PHONE_FIELD              ;              rec              =              {              Name              :              this              .              name              ,              Industry              :              this              .              industry              ,              Phone              :              this              .              phone              }              handleNameChange              (              event              )              {              this              .              rec              .              Name              =              event              .              target              .              value              ;              console              .              log              (              "              name1              "              ,              this              .              rec              .              Name              );              }              handleIndChange              (              event              )              {              this              .              rec              .              Industry              =              event              .              target              .              value              ;              console              .              log              (              "              Industry              "              ,              this              .              rec              .              Industry              );              }              handlePhnChange              (              event              )              {              this              .              rec              .              Phone              =              event              .              target              .              value              ;              console              .              log              (              "              Phone              "              ,              this              .              rec              .              Phone              );              }              handleClick              ()              {              createAccount              ({              acc              :              this              .              rec              })              .              then              (              result              =>              {              this              .              message              =              result              ;              this              .              error              =              undefined              ;              if              (              this              .              message              !==              undefined              )              {              this              .              rec              .              Name              =              ''              ;              this              .              rec              .              Industry              =              ''              ;              this              .              rec              .              Phone              =              ''              ;              this              .              dispatchEvent              (              new              ShowToastEvent              ({              title              :              '              Success              '              ,              message              :              '              Account created              '              ,              variant              :              '              success              '              ,              }),              );              }              console              .              log              (              JSON              .              stringify              (              result              ));              console              .              log              (              "              result              "              ,              this              .              message              );              })              .              catch              (              error              =>              {              this              .              message              =              undefined              ;              this              .              error              =              error              ;              this              .              dispatchEvent              (              new              ShowToastEvent              ({              title              :              '              Error creating record              '              ,              message              :              error              .              body              .              message              ,              variant              :              '              error              '              ,              }),              );              console              .              log              (              "              error              "              ,              JSON              .              stringify              (              this              .              error              ));              });              }              }                      

On button click the entered info is passed as parameter to createAccount in createAcc.cls class.

                          public              class              createAcc              {              @              AuraEnabled              public              static              Account              createAccount              (              Account              acc              )              {              system              .              debug              (              '              acc              '              +              acc              );              insert              acc              ;              return              acc              ;              }              }                      

In this way you can insert record into salesforce using LWC and Apex.

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How To Create A Record


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